
Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman



My last post on this subject dates back to January 2015. As you can imagine, a lot of things have happened since. Just like two years ago, I would like to share my experiences with the community.

As a newbie CEO, I took on the task of growing the company further. Over a 24-month timespan, we grew from a 25-person team to 65 people at a certain point and then scaled back slightly to 56, with the purpose of creating a steady team and to be able to continue growing.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman
The Dropsolid Diaries part 1 | Building a Drupal company form 2 - 25 in less than 2years: march 2013 to 31 december 2014
Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

Drupal Is Not Secure

This is simply not true. has a dedicated security team monitoring all security problems in core and contributed modules. The fact that drupal is opensource makes it when well managed even more secure than closed source systems. Getting drupal secure is all about selecting the right implementation partner that knows how to take care of things.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

Why A Multisite Platform?

When your organization has multiple websites online, it might be worth considering a multisite platform.

What do you gain from a multisite platform? You can group the efforts of different projects.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman
Building big drupal sites requires more than just an ftp account and phpmyadmin. Learn how we build a worldclass QA system to assure quality.
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Guest post by Jonathan Ramael


Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

Do you want to become a involved in drupal? There are a couple of ways to get a drupal job. The fastest way to start get a drupal job is try and find someone who can show you around. If you have been to you might feel a little overwhelmed. The whole drupal universe is big, very big and it is difficult to figure out what you need to do and even more important what you want to do.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman
Auditing drupal sites is just something that should be standard procedure in a big projects life cycle. Learn how you can do an audit.
Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman
One of the most important aspects about a website is explained in this article. Learn how it works
Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman
Learn how a business analysis with drupal in mind can revolutionize your companies webstrategy.


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