Hi, I'm Dominique, Co-founder, CTO & co-CEO of Dropsolidopen source enthousiast & advocate and I guide companies, organisations and governments with the realistation of open digital experiences and digital projects allowing them to stay sovereign.

I'm a Mautic council member and I'm advocate for the idea of an open DXP by bringing together multiple open source ecosystems like Mautic and Drupal.

I'm a publish author, I appear regularly on podcasts, get asked to speak & inspire people and I help CIO/CTO's, CMO's and CEO's to make better descisions.

I write here on this blog, the Dropsolid site, the Dropsolid podcast and I republish that content on linkedin en twitter.

Family man. I'm with Jess, together we have 1 son.

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I decided that after 17 years in the community it is time to send in a nomination: https://www.drupal.org/elections2024
Here the nomiation email which explains why:

Who are you?

In the Dropsolid diaries series, I talk in-depth about the journey of Dropsolid.

I’m excited to share that I got elected for the open source marketing automation Mautic community council.