
Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

Automated installation of apachesolr multicore localy will save you valueable time.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

To speed up indexing of our nodes and making full use of our machine, we want to index our nodes concurrent.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

In this blog we ll explain how to set up a geospatial search by radius using apache solr geospatial extension in a drupal 7.

Apache solr multicore setup

Apache solr multi-core setup using Jetty

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

If you are looking to exlude feedapi nodes or webform nodes or maybe even node-types you ve created yourself using cck from your search results because they are not relevant.


Install and go to the settings page(settings > search > tab)
You ll be able to restrict nodes on a content type base from your search.

If your site was allready indexed you should re-index it. Go to settings > search to do it. Run your cron until everything is indexed.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

Are you using a content type with revisions enabled?
This is incompatible with faceted search which builds it's query on the nid and not on the vid. For example if you edit a node with nid 10 and vid 20 and a term tid 1. A new entry in the term_node table is inserted: nid 10 vid 21 tid 2. The faceted search module will build a query using the nid and tid only. When you filter in your search for the term with tid 1 the module will query on tid 1 and will still find the node with nid 10 but it's the wrong revision of that node.

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