
Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

It's impossible to override this function.
Why? Look at the functions name. It confusses drupal thinking its an implementation of hook_theme(). So any override in template.php using phptemplate_tiny_mce() or theme_name_tinymce_theme() wont work.
You need to patch the module.
If you want to add a text area that doesnt need tinymce just add an other rule shown by the id of 'my-textarea'.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

locale language files don't get rebuild and they keep generating page not found errors.
This post provides a fix to rebuild the lost translation files.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

I just discovered a very handy api to import taxonomy.
I needed to do something very simple import some terms into a vocabulary (no hierarchy, no related terms, just tags..).
It is included with the taxonomy csv module in the file taxonomy_csv.api.inc

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

The vocabulary edit form hardcodes the value of the 'hierarchy' flag to '0', therefore resetting it when the form is submitted and the vocabulary saved. (from drupal.org)
You also need to resave your vocabularies.
You will probably have discovered this bug while working met facetted search.

What should you do?
Change in taxonomy.admin.inc line 172 from

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

Problem: You want to know the next id for the nodes. According to drupal you should use db_last_insert('table', 'field'). It returned allways zero for me.

What is the solution to overcome this problem? use SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Name='node' in the returned object you 'll find the next value for the autoincrement.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

If you are looking to exlude feedapi nodes or webform nodes or maybe even node-types you ve created yourself using cck from your search results because they are not relevant.

Use http://drupal.org/project/search_block

Install and go to the settings page(settings > search > tab)
You ll be able to restrict nodes on a content type base from your search.

If your site was allready indexed you should re-index it. Go to settings > search to do it. Run your cron until everything is indexed.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

Use this function if you want to pass extra variables to a tpl.php file.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

From drupal.org :
If the site is experiencing problems with permissions to content, you may have to rebuild the permissions cache. Possible causes for permission problems are disabling modules or configuration changes to permissions. Rebuilding will remove all privileges to posts, and replace them with permissions based on the current modules and settings.

Rebuilding may take some time if there is a lot of content or complex permission settings. After rebuilding has completed posts will automatically use the new permissions.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

We're providing an example that restricts access for an admin of an organic group to his own profile.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

Use the old drupal_set_title('') function to set the title and put it in hook_form_alter. Why in a hook_form_alter? If you do it in preprocess page your 're to late, if you want it to do with drupal_set_title(). But what you can do in the preprocess page is set $vars['title'] (thanks to Davy aka the drupalcoder to point this out). Using hook form_alter has the advantage that it's independent of the theme.

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