
Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

The vocabulary edit form hardcodes the value of the 'hierarchy' flag to '0', therefore resetting it when the form is submitted and the vocabulary saved. (from
You also need to resave your vocabularies.
You will probably have discovered this bug while working met facetted search.

What should you do?
Change in line 172 from

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

I created a new drupal module called trees.

What does it do?
The trees module is based on the book module. Like the book module the trees module allows users to structure nodes in a hierarchy or outline. The main difference is that the trees module supports adding one node to multiple trees which the the book module does not. The output is also different. The book module provides a navigation, the tree module does not. Instead it produces for each tree a set of blocks, being the parents of a node, the siblings and the children.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

De pagina die u wilt bekijken kan niet worden weergegeven omdat deze gebruikmaakt van een ongeldige of niet-ondersteunde vorm van compressie.
Neem contact op met de website-eigenaars om ze te informeren over dit probleem.


Content Encoding Error

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

Problem: You want to know the next id for the nodes. According to drupal you should use db_last_insert('table', 'field'). It returned allways zero for me.

What is the solution to overcome this problem? use SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Name='node' in the returned object you 'll find the next value for the autoincrement.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

This means drupal cannot find your callback to your form.
Possible causes:
1) Drupal cannot find your function because the php file containing the function is not loaded.
2) You made a typo :)

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

Solution is here
#21 has a patch that I confirm is working for all versions. Apply it to the tinymce.module file.

It's only one line so you can do it manualy too.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

If you are looking to exlude feedapi nodes or webform nodes or maybe even node-types you ve created yourself using cck from your search results because they are not relevant.


Install and go to the settings page(settings > search > tab)
You ll be able to restrict nodes on a content type base from your search.

If your site was allready indexed you should re-index it. Go to settings > search to do it. Run your cron until everything is indexed.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

I discovered this flaw in the mimemail module when working with send module in a multilingual site.
In the mimemail.module the function mimemail_html_body() gets called which you ll find in the file.
Here in the preg_replace _mimemail_url() gets called which will format all your urls in the mail.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

This post will explain how to host multiple drupal sites using only one url on linux.
We have two sites a Dutch site and a French site and we want to host it under one url.
Setup your folders in de sites folders. Create a directory for the french site and create a directory for the dutch site. Both will have their own settings file.
In the root of your drupal installation create two symlinks. The two symlinks will point back to the root of your site.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

Download the image pub module
Install and enable.
Go to admin/settings/image_pub download the file for xp
Edit the file and change

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


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