Restirct access to a users own profile
Here is an example that restricts access for an admin of an organic group to his own profile.
/** * Implementation of hook_menu_alter() */ function tandem_internal_menu_alter(&$callbacks) { $callbacks['user/%user/delete']['access callback'] = 'tandem_internal_restrict_access_to_profile'; $callbacks['user/%user_category/edit']['access callback'] = 'tandem_internal_restrict_access_to_profile'; $callbacks['user/%user_category/edit/account']['access callback'] = 'tandem_internal_restrict_access_to_profile'; $callbacks['user/%user_category/edit/persoonlijke informatie']['access callback'] = 'tandem_internal_restrict_access_to_profile'; } /** * Custom function that check if a user is an admin of an organic group, if so restrict access * At the end we still run the user_edit_access function so unauthorised users dont gain access to profiles */ function tandem_internal_restrict_access_to_profile() { global $user; $access = db_result(db_query("SELECT nid FROM {og_uid} WHERE uid = %d AND is_admin = 1 LIMIT 1", $user->uid)); if ($access && $user->uid != 1) { return false; } return user_edit_access($user); }
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