
Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

This module turns into

<a href="mailto:&#100&#111&#109&#105&#110&#105&#113&#117&#101&#64&#100&#111&#109&#105&#110&#105&#113&#117&#101&#100&#101&#99&#111&#111&#109&#97&#110&#46&#99&#111&#109">

in the html code. Preventing your email being harvested by spammers.

The code in the module can be found on
I just put it in a little module ready to be downloaded and installed.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

Create a file containing the piece of javascript detailed in this post.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman
Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

his happens when you add a lot of cck fields to a content type

Put 'max_allowed_packet =64M' (or more) in your my.ini file

Restart your server and the problem should be fixed.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

In this function you can alter existing or give new variables to every theme function.
In this example the theme_page variables are altered. Here we have a product page and this page needs another template file to be loaded. We alter $vars['template_file'] and if the test is true the page-product.tpl.php file will be loaded.
We also create new variables $vars['serviceMenu' and $vars['mainMenu'] which can be used in the page.tpl.php files as $mainMenu and serviceMenu.

function  _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars) {
  switch($hook) {
    case 'page' :

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

From :
If the site is experiencing problems with permissions to content, you may have to rebuild the permissions cache. Possible causes for permission problems are disabling modules or configuration changes to permissions. Rebuilding will remove all privileges to posts, and replace them with permissions based on the current modules and settings.

Rebuilding may take some time if there is a lot of content or complex permission settings. After rebuilding has completed posts will automatically use the new permissions.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

We have build a modules with a lot of strings. We want to translate them. We dont want to search for strings, translate them and submit them using drupals locale interface because it would take hours.
Here is what we'll do. Enable your locale module which is a core module.

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

I have a Mysql table with 2 rows. Total which is the score and uid which is the user id. I want to know which user has what rank. What's the fastest? Let Mysql do the whole sorting job or let Php do it. So I did an experiment. And the results are:

Php did the job in : 0.00024099999999994s
Mysql did the job in : 0.00073499999999993s

Php wins significant!

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

To translate exposed filter labels, go and get the theme_views_display_filters function out of the views.module file. Put it in your template.php file. Make sure that around every label a t function is wrapped. And that's it, go to admin/setting/locale, look up the string and translate it into the other language. (Dont forget to surf one time to the page you want to translate)

Posted by: 
Dominique De Cooman

By creating a file in the root of your drupal folder and put the code on top that we provide in this post.


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