Importing translations in drupal 5 easy mode! (No searching and submitting in locale interface)
We have build a modules with a lot of strings. We want to translate them. We dont want to search for strings, translate them and submit them using drupals locale interface because it would take hours.
Here is what we'll do. Enable your locale module which is a core module.
Next download the translation template extractor module. Install it, go to the 'admin/settings/locale/potx' and select your module. Go to the bottom of the page and select for which language you wich to translate strings. The module will generate a file. Now you can translate all your strings in the file much faster. When you are done change the files extention to .po and import it 'admin/settings/locale/language/import'.
If you have to deploy your module on multiple sites this the way to go. Do the work once fast and your done! Easy mode!
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