Drupal myths
Drupal is not secure
Drupal does not perform
Drupal does not scale
Scale drupal means scale your infrastructure. Just like any php application drupal can be scaled. Scale drupal means configuring drupal correctly to be able to take advantage of powerful systems that allow drupal to scale.
Drupal is for small websites
Drupal is for big websites
Drupal is for hobbyist
Drupal is very popular with hobbyists but don't be fooled. Drupal means business. Drupal is supported by mulitmillion dollar venture backend enterprises. More than thousands of high profile consultants are earning their fees with drupal constultancy.
There is no support for drupal
Drupal development services are getting wider spread than ever before. As said already drupal is supported by large enterprises and is implemented by a lot of drupal shop around the world.
The drupal community is perhaps the biggest support to get information from. The drupal community consists of thousands of drupal developers world wide. Continously upgrading drupal and doing drupal development of new features.
Is it just a matter of time before something else takes drupals place
Drupal is hard to work with
Drupal is not hard to work with at all. When shown the correct
Opensource means low quality
Opensource means I cannot do business with it
Vendor lock in
Don't fear the vendor lock in. A cms drupal will allow you to take it anywhere. You are not tied to anyone. Not happy leave to somebody else.
Drupal modules are low quality
Drupal cms is just a cms
Drupal customization is difficult
Drupal development is expensive
Drupal development doesnt need to be expensive. Drupal development only becomes very expensive when extensive customization is needed. Drupal already delivers a lot out of the box by combining drupal modules and drupal distributions. Choosing the right party to devise your concept is critical. Read more about drupal business analysis.